South of the plot ca. 20m community transitions into dry oak-heath (Quercus spp. / Kalmia latifolia). The Pinus strobus - Tsuga canadensis / Rhododendron maximum forest that the plot is in runs North across Spice Run to the toeslope ca 100m. To the west ca. 20m is a small patch dominated by Fagus. Beyond that up the draw the Tsuga canadensis / Rhododendron maximum continues.;Forest dominated by Pinus strobus, Tsuga canadensis, Quercus spp. (red, white, rock) growing on a narrow ridge spur or "nose". Little or no regeneration in the S2 or H layers. Soils are very rocky and shallow. Woodpecker holes found on large white oak. Several old decayed stumps, to far gone to tell if they were logged. What downfall there is in the plot is covered by moss.
Medium sized patch of mixed evergreen-deciduous forest over Rhododendron maximum.